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If you are looking at this option then chances are you have a presentation coming up or some other event which will require you to speak in public. Depending on your timeline there are a few options which I want to put on the table:

  1. If you have more than 3 months up your sleeve, jump onto Google and find your nearest Toastmasters Club. Show up, join up and participate as much as humanly possible.
  2. Wrap yourself in speeches. I suggest watching and listening to as many speeches as you can get your hands on. TED Talks are a fabulous source of inspiration and offer a wide variety of topics and styles. If you can, download their app and check out the “Surprise me” option.
  3. Specifically check out this TED Talk by Julian Treasure: https://www.ted.com/talks/julian_treasure_how_to_speak_so_that_people_want_to_listen?language=en
  4. Lastly, if time is short, contact me and we can book some time to work one-on-one.

The times I have spent with people coaching and collaborating have been some of the best experiences I have had. My main focus is to work with you to develop your story from start to finish and to send you on your way feeling confident and prepared.

You don't have to be based in Sydney, as we can Skype or use Facebook Messenger to video call, and I can also help with your speech writing if required.

Regardless of your situation please feel free to get in contact with me and we can work out the best way forward for you.


Scott Phillips